In summer we travel a lot, visit public beaches, visit swimming pools and showers. Sometimes they even take us on long trips to the sea, where, like it or not, we have to use the beaches or the public baths. These are all places of greatest accumulation of infections, where you can often get nail fungus. Your treatment is far from an easy process, but don't despair, you can still get rid of toenail fungus!
Nail fungus is a common condition that usually begins with a small spot under the tip of the nail. It comes in white and yellow. Contrary to popular belief, the fungus occurs on both the legs and the hands. If it is not noticed in time, the fungal infection begins to spread deeper. Over time, the fungus can lead to discoloration, thickening and crumbling of the nail plate. This can affect multiple adjacent nails, even if only one was initially infected.
When the condition is mild and doesn't bother you, you may not need serious treatment. If you have severe pain caused by nail fungus, popular care tips and various medications can help. Keep an eye on your feet, because even with successful treatment, nail fungus often returns. Another popular name for the fungus is onychomycosis (on-ih-koh-my-KOH-sis). And the condition in which the fungus affects the area between the toes and the skin of the feet is called mycosis of the foot (tinea pedis).
Symptoms of the appearance of a fungal infection.
Even if you have never encountered nail fungus and have no idea what it looks like, you will never miss this excruciating itch. It will not be superfluous to apply some kind of infection recipe for prevention, so that the process does not go to the execution stage. Therefore, many people recommend using vinegar to disinfect the area where the fungus is likely to reach. The main symptoms of nail and foot fungus are:
- Itching in the area of infection;
- Color change of the nail plate;
- Nail fracture and fragility;
- Painful sensations in the foot.
Effective treatment should begin at the first symptoms of nail fungus; special creams and ointments with antifungal action will help you. The essence of professional remedies to get rid of fungal foot infections is that they not only eliminate the symptoms, but also destroy the very source of the infection.
Yeast infection can develop in people of any age, but it is more common in older people. With age, the nail can become brittle and dry. The resulting cracks in the nails allow fungus to penetrate inside. Other factors, such as decreased circulation in the legs, a weakened immune system, can also play a role in increasing the likelihood of infection.
A fungal foot infection can start in athlete's foot (foot fungus) and then spread from one toe to the other. At the same time, it is unlikely that someone will be infected with a fungus, they are more likely to get it in a public place, in contact with the environment.
Risk factors and complications
The unpleasant factors that can increase the risk of getting a yeast infection are type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes often causes circulatory disorders in the legs and can lead to numbness due to nerve damage. Significantly increases the risk of cellulite, dry feet, cracks and injuries. Due to the poor condition of the skin, blood vessels, and nerve fibers, any relatively minor injury to the foot, including a fungal nail infection, can lead to more serious complications. See your doctor if you have diabetes and suspect you have a fungus.
Factors that can increase your risk of developing nail fungus:
- Circulatory disorders
- Heavy sweating
- History of a sport foot
- Damage to skin or nails.
- Skin conditions (such as psoriasis)
- Any type of diabetes
- Weak immunity
Do not start the treatment because, after becoming severe, the fungus can be painful and cause irreversible damage to the skin and nail surface. Be especially careful if you suspect that the body's immune strength is low, because the damage caused by the fungus is quite difficult to correct. Therefore, it is very important to cure the fungus in time as quickly as possible.
The main methods of treatment

Unfortunately, such a problem as fungal infection of the nails and skin occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Our grandmothers used the oldest and, it is believed, the fastest way to get rid of the infection: vinegar. For a bowl of water, you need a glass of 9% table vinegar. Such baths can kill fungal spores, preventing them from spreading. Be aware that this procedure can be very painful for irritated or damaged skin areas.
Contrary to popular belief, the spores can affect not only the skin on the legs, but can also easily remain on the arm or other part of the body. The sooner you adopt the most effective remedies to care for a damaged area of the body, the sooner you can heal it. Nail fungal infections can be difficult to treat. Talk to your doctor if self-care strategies and over-the-counter products haven't helped. Treatment depends on the severity of your condition and the type of fungus causing it. It can take months to see results. And even if the condition of the nails improves, reinfections are not uncommon.
Antifungal medications are available both topically and orally. They are often the first choice because they clear the infection faster than topical medications. The action of these funds is aimed at accelerating the growth of the nail plate and faster shedding of its affected part. It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks for the fungus to completely disappear. The end result will be noticeable when the healthy nail grows back. Also, the older the patient is, the weaker the treatment result. Adults over 65 may have a longer recovery time and may need additional topical medications.
Oral antifungal medications are not commonly used because they can cause various side effects. Therefore, if the disease is not in an advanced stage, doctors try to do it with external agents. Blood tests are recommended to determine the exact dose of medication. Doctors may not recommend oral medications for people with liver disease, heart failure, or those taking certain medications. After all, the frequent side effects of them are skin rashes, liver damage.
Another remedy to eradicate the disease is antifungal nail polish. He applies it to infected nails and the surrounding skin once a day. After seven days, clean the applied layers with rubbing alcohol and then start new applications. You may need to wear this nail polish daily for almost a year.
Another treatment option is an antifungal cream, which should be rubbed on infected nails after soaking. To enhance the effect of creams, it is better to first thin the nails. The thinner layer will help the medicine penetrate and destroy the fungus. For this procedure, the stratum corneum is thinned with urea and then removed with a file or other instrument.
The most effective home remedies.

Homemade vinegar ointment
The most powerful remedy that will help get rid of the fungus is vinegar and an egg. From them an excellent ointment is obtained, which promotes the healing of the tissue and the softening of the affected area of the nail. A raw chicken egg is placed in a glass with vinegar, then placed in a dark cabinet until the essence dissolves the shell. Then you need to remove the film and mix the vinegar, oil and egg. Ointment is applied to the steamed legs, the cellophane is advanced, and the effect of a bath is created. Then the affected softened area is removed and the ointment is reapplied the next day.
Garlic lotion
Garlic is a powerful natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. It helps to eliminate fungal lesions in the most gentle way, even in advanced cases. Garlic juice is mixed with alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio and diluted with distilled water. With this lotion, it is necessary to lubricate all the affected areas of the skin and the nail at night until the fungus completely dies. This lotion is effective even in advanced cases.
Mint compress
Peppermint is an excellent remedy against fungi. Peppermint essential oils have been shown to be effective against fungi, lamblia, and staph. Traditional medicine believes that treating the fungus with herbs is the same effective method as with ointments. Fresh plant leaves or essential oil are best for a compress. If it is made from fresh leaves, you need to grind the mint with salt and apply it on the sore nail. If the mushroom is in an uncomfortable place on the arm or leg, it would be better to secure it with a bandage. The essential oil is suitable for lubricating damaged areas.
Copper sulfate ointment
Another popular way is to use copper sulfate to fight fungi and infections. It is part of many antifungal ointments, but can also be used as a standalone remedy. If you do not have the opportunity to buy an ointment in a pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself. Use tar or goose fat to create a greasy base, add a teaspoon of sulfur and copper sulfate there. The copper sulfate must be calcined in a pan before this until it turns white or gray. It is necessary to smear the sore parts of the legs or hands with this ointment every night.
Iodine against toenail fungus
In emergencies, ordinary iodine, which can always be found at home, will help to cope with the fungus. It works very well on wounds, but few know that a single drop of iodine can prevent the development of fungal foot infections. This is the best remedy for the first manifestations of nail fungus. It is applied directly to the nail plate at night, then put on socks, in the morning the iodine is absorbed into the nail. The procedure must be repeated for at least two weeks.
Prevention of foot fungus
Remember that it is possible to prevent fungus with home remedies for the foot, so if you suspect a fungus, use vinegar or iodine. The following habits can help prevent nail fungus or re-infection:
- Wash your hands and feet regularly. Wash your hands after touching an infected nail. Moisturize your nails after washing them.
- Cut your nails straight, smooth the edges with a file, file the thickened areas. Disinfect your clippers after each use.
- Wear sweat-wicking socks or change them during the day.
- Choose shoes made of breathable materials.
- Discard old shoes or treat them with disinfectants and antifungal powders.
- Wear shoes around the pool, locker rooms, and public areas.
- Choose a nail salon that uses sterile nail tools for each client.
- Discard nail polish and artificial nails.